Hari Prapcoyo, Mohamad As'ad


Yogyakarta is known as a student city, tourist city, and also a city of culture. Yogyakarta is an interesting tourist and cultural place with many beautiful tourist attractions in the city of Yogyakarta. Public transportation in the city of Yogyakarta is also varied, ranging from conventional and online-based. Access to the city of Yogyakarta varies, namely trains, buses, and planes. Thus, the economic growth in the city of Yogyakarta is getting better, this can be seen from the economic activity in the city of Yogyakarta which is getting busier. A good economy is usually always followed by stable inflation. This study aims to predict inflation in the future period using the Exponential Smoothing-State Space (ETS) model. Secondary monthly inflation data was obtained from BPS Yogyakarta City. From this research, the Exponential Smoothing-State Space Model / ETS (A, N, A) is obtained, which means that the monthly inflation data for the city of Yogyakarta does not contain trends, but contains additive seasonality and has additive errors. The results of this study indicate that inflation in the next three months is relatively stable, namely, the decline in inflation and the increase in inflation is still below 10%.
Keywords: BPS Yogyakarta City, Monthly Inflation Forecasting, Exponential Smoothing-State Space ETS

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