Kata Kunci: KKN, Sosialisasi, Pembukuan Sederhana.
KKN is a student learning process through community service activities with various forms of work programs. One of the activities in this Community Service Program is to provide socialization and provide assistance on making simple bookkeeping for UMKM in Kuala Sempang Village, Seri Kuala Lobam District, Bintan Regency. The method used in this research is the mentoring method. Analysis of the problems of UMKM in Kuala Sempang Village focuses on assisting in the introduction of profit/loss financial reports. This analysis resulted in solving the problem in the form of socializing the application of bookkeeping in order to increase the knowledge of UMKM actors to prepare bookkeeping in their business activities in the form of profit and loss report working papers in the service sector and trade sector to obtain accurate financial information. The results of this research using the problem-solving method can be expected as assistance in solving the problems of MSME actors in Kuala Sempang Village in carrying out simple bookkeeping using profit/loss report work papers.
Keywords: KKN, socialization, Simple bookkeeping.
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