Kata kunci : peran, KWT, olahan ikan lele
Women's participation in development is very important. It cannot be denied the role of women in maintaining economic stability and family welfare. The existence of women can be demonstrated by their involvement in a group, including the women's farmer group (KWT). In the city of Surakarta there are 65 KWTs that still exist and are active, including the Ngudi Makmur which is located in Joglo Village, Banjarsari District. KWT Ngudi Makmur has been carrying out activities in the agricultural sector since 2018, and continues to grow, in 2023 cultivating 2000 catfish. KWT Ngudi Makmur's catfish cultivation has been certified by the Central Java Fisheries Service for Good Fish Cultivation Methods (CBIB), however the price of catfish produced when sold cannot be higher than the price of catfish on the market. This condition motivated KWT to develop a catfish processing business, including fish nuggets and meatballs. This community empowerment was carried out with the aim of increasing the knowledge and skills of KWT Ngudi Makmur in developing a catfish processing business. The results that have been achieved include training activities on processing catfish into nuggets and meatballs, business development assistance by providing equipment grants, production and marketing assistance. thereby increasing the selling value of catfish and optimizing the role of KWT in improving family welfare in providing nutritious food and income.
Keywords : role, KWT, catfish processing business
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Open Data Kota Surakarta. Data Kelompok Tani Tahun 2023.
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