Kata Kunci : akuntansi digital, laporan keuangan, UMKM, siapik
In the contemporary phase of the industrial revolution, which prioritizes modern activities and technological advancements over mere spatial and temporal considerations, the significance of technology emerges prominently. Systems for accounting that are based on technology have been established as pivotal in facilitating the provision of dependable and efficient data for operational activities and decision-making, particularly for MSMEs. Moreover, MSMEs are often hindered by a scarcity of Financial Reports, which precludes effective monitoring of their business performance and financial stance. This deficiency impedes their capacity to formulate suitable strategies for business advancement. Consequently, the introduction of systems like SIAPIK and Digital Accounting is instrumental in addressing these challenges. The purpose of this initiative revolves around providing MSME operators with the education required to utilize the SIAPIK application for Financial Reports documentation. The approach encompasses three main phases: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. By implementing this service, the documentation of Financial Reports is simplified, facilitating future decision-making processes for MSMEs.
Keywords: Financial Reports, MSMEs, SIAPIK, Digital Accounting
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