Penyelenggaran program KKN pada tahun 2021 di Universitas Islam Batik berada di tengah-tengah masa pandemic Covid-19 yang tidak hanya melanda Indonesia, akan tetapi seluruh dunia. Program kerja yang dilaksanakan pada KKN ini pun disesuaikan dengan pencegahan Covid-19 pada era new normal, dalam rangka membantu Pemerintah memutus persebaran Covid-19, khususnya di Desa Kembangan Kecamatan Baki Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Adapun program kerja yang dilaksanakan dimulai dari pendataan ekonomi masyarakat yang terdampak Covid-19, masyarakat penerima bansos, penyuluhan dan praktik cara melakukan cuci tangan yang baik dan benar, pengadaan senam dan olahraga agar tetap sehat di masa pandemic Covid-19, pembagian masker dan handsanitizer, dan peletakan ember sebagai tempat cuci tangan serta peletakan bak sampah. Selain kegiatan untuk mencegah persebaran Covid-19, KKN UNIBA Surakarta juga mengadakan kegiatan kemasyarakatan dalam hal pendidikan seperti bimbel, kegiatan belajar membaca Al-qur`an,dan pelatihan seni budaya.
Kata Kunci : KKN UNIBA Surakarta. Desa Kembangan, Baki, Sukkoharjo
Abstract : The implementation of the Community Service Program in 2021 at the Islamic Batik University is in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which not only hit Indonesia, but the whole world. The work program carried out at the KKN was also adapted to the prevention of Covid-19 in the new normal era, in order to help the Government break the spread of Covid-19, especially in Kembangan Village, Baki District, Sukoharjo Regency. The work program carried out started from collecting economic data on communities affected by Covid-19, receiving social assistance recipients, counseling and practices on how to wash hands properly and correctly, procurement of gymnastics and sports to stay healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic, distribution of masks and hand sanitizers. , and laying a bucket as a place to wash hands and laying the trash. In addition to activities to prevent the spread of Covid-19, UNIBA Surakarta KKN also holds community activities in terms of education such as tutoring, learning to read the Qur'an, and cultural arts training.
Key Words : KKN UNIBA Surakarta, Kembangan village, Baki, Sukoharjo
Kata Kunci : KKN UNIBA Surakarta. Desa Kembangan, Baki, Sukkoharjo
Abstract : The implementation of the Community Service Program in 2021 at the Islamic Batik University is in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which not only hit Indonesia, but the whole world. The work program carried out at the KKN was also adapted to the prevention of Covid-19 in the new normal era, in order to help the Government break the spread of Covid-19, especially in Kembangan Village, Baki District, Sukoharjo Regency. The work program carried out started from collecting economic data on communities affected by Covid-19, receiving social assistance recipients, counseling and practices on how to wash hands properly and correctly, procurement of gymnastics and sports to stay healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic, distribution of masks and hand sanitizers. , and laying a bucket as a place to wash hands and laying the trash. In addition to activities to prevent the spread of Covid-19, UNIBA Surakarta KKN also holds community activities in terms of education such as tutoring, learning to read the Qur'an, and cultural arts training.
Key Words : KKN UNIBA Surakarta, Kembangan village, Baki, Sukoharjo
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Camelia Rhamdhani Hibbatullah dan Anita Devi Maharani. 2020. Laporan Kegiatan KKN Daring Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Temas, Kecamatan Batu Kota batu. terkait jumlah kasus Covid-19
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