Implementasi Maqashid Syariah Pada Asuransi Syariah di Indonesia

Nabila - Farhana


The presence of Islamic insurance in Indonesia was marked by the existence of PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia which operated in 1994 and after that Islamic insurance companies began to stand The presence of Islamic insurance is the answer to the prohibition of conventional insurance. This study aims to determine the implementation of maqashid sharia in Islamic insurance. The method used in this article uses a literature study (Library Reasearch). The results obtained are that the practice of maqashid sharia has been implemented by Islamic insurance. Insurance protection in maintaining religion (hifdzu din) to realize the perfection of worship, namely pilgrimage insurance. Keeping the soul (hifdzu nafs) to prevent things that will threaten the soul and cause disability or death, namely accident insurance. Keeping the mind (hifdzu aql) to protect the mind from damage, namely by learning, such as education insurance. Keeping offspring (hifdzu nasl) can be realized with education insurance that will help heirs to be able to continue their lives for the better. Keeping property (hifdzu mal) to overcome the risk of loss, namely with general takaful.


Maqashid Syariah; Asuransi Syariah.

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Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, ISSN 2477-6157 l E-ISSN 2579-6534

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