Pemikiran Ibnu Asyur Tentang Maqashid Syariah Dalam Ekonomi Kontemporer

Julian Maharani


Ibn Ashur is one of the contemporary figures in the maqashid sharia which born in Tunisia. Ibn Ashur was dubbed the "second teacher" after al-Syathibi as the "first teacher". Ibn 'Ashur has succeeded in developing the theory of maqhasid al-syariah which previously only focused on the study of kulliyah and juz'iyyah to be broader, namely by expanding the study of maqhasid al-syariah into maqhasid al-syariah al-khassah about muamalat which explores various Maqhasid al-Sharia issue. This division is the success of Ibn Ashur in developing and perfecting the concept of al-Syathibi's maqashid al-Sharia. There are several views of Ibn Ashur regarding maqhasid al-syariah which are different from the previous ones: First, Ibn Ashur views the importance of realizing the independence of maqhasid al-syariah as a separate scientific discipline. Second, in Ibn Ashur's view, the basic characteristics possessed by humans are actually in line with maqhasid al-syariah.



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