Strategi Edukasi Pasar Modal Syariah Di Era Pandemi Covid 19

Imam Yahya, Danang Purbo Raharjo, Andriani Samsuri


In the context of implementing increased literacy and community inclusion of the Islamic capital market, integrated education and outreach, as well as collaboration by involving various related parties, have been carried out by the IDX and IDX Representative Offices throughout Indonesia such as the Capital Market School, Sharia Capital Market School. and the Establishment of an Investment Gallery. This is done to increase the effectiveness of the educational and outreach activities carried out, so that it is hoped that the public can have a good understanding of the Islamic capital market, which in turn can create preferences among the public to choose products and services in the Islamic capital market. This research is a type of field research (field research). The studies in this research use two kinds of studies, namely descriptive studies, and constructive analysis. Descriptive studies are carried out by identifying various findings, which are then based on these findings are presented in a structured and systematic way.


Capital Market,Pandemic,Covid 19

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Strategi Edukasi Pasar Modal Di Era Pandemi Kepada Millennial Indonesia Tahun 2021. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (Sentrinov) (Vol. 7, No. 2, Pp. 82-89).

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