Islamic Economic Behavior of Kiai (Study on Economic Community Empowerment at Pesantren Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus)

Zakiyyul Fuad


Economic analysis is not sufficient to explain an economic phenomenon in quality, it is necessary to have other approaches to bridge and complete economic phenomena as social constructions. This study aims to analyze the economic phenomenon of the Pesantren Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus with a Social Sciences approach to look in depth at the economic behavior of actors and related people in an effort to empower the community around the Pesantren. This research is a qualitative field research using primary data that came from interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this research are 1). The kiai's rationality in the process of community economic empowerment is the major factor in the disparity of welfare between pesantren and the community, so limits the main vision of empowerment. 2). The existence of Gusjigang as a noble value for Kudus Society plays a role in providing psychological encouragement to rationalization. 3). The Kiai's social network in Shilat al-Rahim strengthened his ability to mobilize the resources. 4). Kiai makes a spirituality as ruhaniyyah needs and rationality as jasadiyyah needs


Economic Behavior; Kiai; Pesantren; Community Empowerment.

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