Hasanah Card BNI Syariah Sebagai Alat Transaksi dalam Perspektif Maqasid As-Shariah


  • Sutono Sutono Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-azhar Menganti Gresik, Indonesia




Along with the development of the population which is increasingly increasing, so also the needs that must be met by each individual to obtain goods or services are also increasing. Before the introduction of money, transactions were made by barter. Due to difficulties in the similarity of desires for the type of goods to be exchanged (Due difficulties in the similarity), the most effective means of exchange, namely money, emerged. Therefore, financial institutions based on banking and non-banking, both conventional and sharia are known as institutions that meet the expectations of the community in meeting all needs. Besides that, this institution is also able to provide services not only limited to saving or investment activities but also to improve services in the field of buying and selling or payment with the types and features of payments easily and quickly so that it can be done easily anytime and anywhere. Based on the phenomena and social realities that occur, the existence of Technology (IT) is able to make all needs can be fulfilled easily and comfortably, as is the emergence of IT-based payment instruments such as credit cards, charge cards, internet banking, phone banking, e-commerce. Flash Payment wallets, as well as Sharia Cards. The fundamental problem in this research is to reveal how the hasanah card as a transaction tool in the perspective of maqasid al-shari'ah? To provide an understanding of the problem, writing uses a qualitative descriptive methodology, to explore this issue, the authors use interview techniques, documentation, and analyze various research journals or sources of information related to the hasanah card. The results of this research can be used by academics as an addition to the scientific treasures and other researchers to develop other research results. Meanwhile, financial institutions can be used as a source of reference and principles in the development of Islamic banking-based institutions.


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How to Cite

Sutono, S. (2022). Hasanah Card BNI Syariah Sebagai Alat Transaksi dalam Perspektif Maqasid As-Shariah. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 8(3), 2977–2985. https://doi.org/10.29040/jiei.v8i3.6778

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