Kata Kunci : Konseling, Bullying, FCFS, Android, Mysql
Guidance and counseling services at school to help students find their identity, get to know their environment and plan their future. SMA Al- Munadi is one of the senior high schools in Medan. In the SMA Al- Munadi environment, there are many problems involving bullying between students. Some students carry out intimidation such as making fun of each other, calling their friends by their parents' names or bad nicknames, there are students who disturb other students, and groups of students isolate or stay away from other students. The bullying that occurred was a type of verbal and mental/psychological bullying and there was no physical bullying. Thus, the teacher's role is very important in helping students solve problems or helping students in the area of bullying, as well as developing students' potential optimally. With the E-Counselling system in an effort to avoid bullying using the Android-based FCFS method, it can reduce bullying between students, and with the counseling application, guidance and counseling teachers can provide counseling services using an Android device.
Keywords: Counseling, Bullying, FCFS, Android, Mysql
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