This community service (PKM) aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of elementary school teachers in integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) through STEM Kitchen training. The participants were 25 teachers from SDN 002 and SDN 004 Loa Janan in Kutai Kartanegara District. The PKM was conducted using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. The training methods included lectures, hands-on activities, and evaluations. Evaluations were conducted using questionnaires to measure the participants' satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and the effectiveness of the training. The results indicated that the STEM Kitchen training was highly successful, with 86% of the participants feeling comfortable interacting during the training and 92% stating that the training materials were beneficial. Additionally, 92% of the participants reported increased knowledge and 84% reported improved skills. The study also identified several challenges to implementing STEM in schools, such as time constraints, limited facilities, and financial burdens. Continuous professional development for teachers, a supportive school environment, and a collaborative STEM community are needed to address these challenges.
Kata kunci: Guru Sekolah Dasar, Pelatihan Guru, STEM, STEM Kitchen.
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