Intensi Generasi Milenial Kota Banda Aceh terhadap Produk KPR Syariah

Nidia Riska Suardi


Fulfilling basic needs in the form of houses (boards) is different from meeting the needs of clothing (clothing) or food (food) because the minimum level of house prices is far above the wage level (UMR/UMP/UMK). Mortgage is one way to get housing, in the midst of rising house prices today. The millennial generation (born 1981-1996) is the largest composition of the Indonesian population today, in Banda Aceh the number reaches 25.87%. The digitally oriented millennial life affects the way they shop. This study aims to analyze the intentions of the millennial generation towards Islamic mortgage financing products in fulfilling their maqasid sharia. The sample was selected randomly from 76 respondents from the millennial generation population in Banda Aceh. Quantitative research using primary data (online questionnaire) results that of the four background factor variables studied, only the income level is effective separately in influencing the millennial generation's intention to get a Sharia mortgage. While other factors, age, level of education, and reasons for not being effective enough did not have a significant effect. However, when taken together, the four variables have a significant influence with a contribution of only 0.205, so that it is still inadequate in predicting the intention of the millennial generation towards Sharia mortgage financing products.


intention; millennial; Banda Aceh; KPR Shariah.

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Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, ISSN 2477-6157 l E-ISSN 2579-6534

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