Analisis Akad Pembiayaan Pemilikan Rumah Di Bank Syariah: Pendekatan Parameter Maslahah

Ivan Rahmat Santoso, Niswatin Niswatin, Agil Bahsoan


Financing contracts in Islamic banks are identical with their loyalty to maslahah as the goal of Islamic law. However, with the increasing demand for financing that contains maslahah mursalah, a deeper analysis is needed to what extent the contract is consistent with the maslahah parameters. This study aims to investigate the mortgage financing contract (PPR) in Islamic banks from the perspective of maslahah. The method uses a qualitative approach by analyzing contracts in PPR. This study also uses a comparative approach by comparing the fatwas of national and international sharia boards. The results of the study indicate that PPR contracts in Islamic banks are generally in line with the maslahah principle parameters mentioned in the us-l al-fiqh sources, so they are not contradictory to the Al-Quran and Sunnah. In addition, comparative analysis shows that the bank is consistent with the decisions of the DSN and other sharia standard institutions.


Maslahah, Home Ownership Financing, Islamic Bank

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