Pelaksanaan Relaksasi Pajak Sebagai Fasilitas Pemerintah Bagi UMKM Yang Terdampak Pandemi Virus Covid-19

Cindy Getah Trisna June, Ary Yunita Anggraeni


The impact of the COVID-19 virus pandemic is felt by the sector, including the tourism sector in Blitar City. This study analyzes the latest PMK-82/PMK.03/2021 policies related to incentives for taxpayers affected by the covid-19 virus pandemic. Drum craftsmen in the Bung Karno Tomb area are one of the targets for the implementation of this tax incentive. The results of this study turned out that the drum business actors did not take advantage of the relaxation provided by the government due to lack of understanding and lack of socialization related to these incentives. In addition, even though the times were difficult and they did not even get income, the drum craftsmen chose to continue to pay taxes because they were reluctant to follow the procedures given by the government for fear that the incentives would become a boomerang that would trap in the future related to taxes.

Keywords : Covid-19, PMK-82/PMK.03/2021, Tax Incentives

Dampak pandemi virus covid-19 dirasakan oleh sektor, tak terkecuali sektor pariwisata yang ada di Kota Blitar. Penelitian ini menganalisis kebijakan terbaru PMK-82/PMK.03/2021 terkait insentif untuk Wajib Pajak yang terdampak pandemi virus covid-19. Perajin kendang di kawasan Makam Bung Karno merupakan salah satu sasaran diberlakukannya insentif pajak ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini ternyata para pelaku usaha kendang tidak memanfaatkan relaksasi yang diberikan pemerintah tersebut dikarenakan kurang memahami dan kurang sosialisasi terkait insentif tersebut. Selain itu, meskipun masa sulit dan bahkan tidak mendapat penghasilan para pelaku usaha perajin kendang memilih untuk tetap membayar pajak karena enggan mengikuti prosedur yang diberikan oleh pemerintah karena takut insentif tersebut justru menjadi bomerang yang menjebak di kemudian hari terkait pajak.


Covid-19, PMK-82/PMK.03/2021, Insentif Pajak

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Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pajak, ISSN 1412-629X l E-ISSN 2579-3055

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